Who are we?
ToastCoach™ is a division of Profound Paradigms™, which was founded by Rick Sharon. Rick was a corporate software engineer for 30+ years, a Toastmaster for 20+years, and is a Distringuished Toastmaster (DTM). Along the way, he has presented literally hundreds of speeches, designed and taught workshops, won speech contests at the Toastmasters Club, Area, Division, and District levels of competion. Rick is a past Area Governor, a past Division Governor, and a past District Chief Judge. He has acquired a LOT of powerful experience and applied his systems analysis and process regingineering expertise to improve on it. He also masterminds with powerful leaders who do the same.
His search lead him to profound mentors including: Tony Robbins, Jay Abraham, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Stephen Covey, John Maxwell, Napoleon Hill, Tom Peters, W. Edwards Deming, Peter Drucker, Harvey Mackay, Paul Zane Pilzer, and many many more. To become the best, you must mastermind with the best.
By aggressively mastering best practices, he was able to become an expert in various fields. ToastCoach provides forums and resource developing your communication and leadership skills.
ToastCoach members learn from the best and share with the best ensure you and they become and stay the best.