Table Topic Tip: Ask Anti-theme Questions!

Want to have some fun with Table Topics? Here's a Table Topics Tip: ask "anti-theme" questions! What's that? This video explains.
Meeting planning and logistics, best practices, the best (and worst) meetings you've ever attended.
Want to have some fun with Table Topics? Here's a Table Topics Tip: ask "anti-theme" questions! What's that? This video explains.
Are you intimated by Table Topics? Do you struggle mightily coming up with answers? Are you lucky to even find 5-10 seconds of material to talk about? Or, even worse, have you had to admit you couldn't answer the question and just quit? If that's your challenge, I have a solution: Cheat! You can cheat at Table Topics! This video shows you how...
Every meeting should have a theme. Theme's add coherence and cohesion to meetings, giving various aspects of the meeting something to share common focus on. How do you come up with themes? This video shares a process I've been using for many years with great success.
The Park Central Toastmasters club in Dallas, TX. is an advanced club that provided my first exposure to the "Posture pig" role.
Posture pig? Huh?? What's that? It's a very fun and valuable role...
I learned that lesson from one of my good friends and mentors Dr. Jeff Johnson, DTM.
Every Toastmasters club to which I belong embraces that philosophy. We make having fun an integral part of every meeting. My clubs have two success criteria: 1. Did we learn something? and 2. Did we have fun?
Two ways you can have fun is via having meeting themes and through Table Topics...