Published on 19 September 2008 3235 downloads
Used by VP of Education to track people working on their Advanced Communicator awards. Courtesy of Kathy Upton, Speak With Success Club.
Published on 19 September 2008 3236 downloads
Used by club officer's to plan and track Distringuished Club Program Progress (DCP). Courtesy of Kathy Upton, Speak With Success Club.
Published on 19 September 2008 3515 downloads
Used by VP of Education to track people working on their Competent Communicator awards (CC). Courtesy of Kathy Upton, Speak With Success Club.
Published on 19 September 2008 3232 downloads
Rick Sharon's PowerPoint from the 12/3/2005 District Officer Training Session
Published on 18 September 2008 3223 downloads
Shows and tracks which Educational Series count towards which Toastmasters awards e.g. Better Speaker Series, Successful Club Series. Courtesy of Kathy Upton, Speak With Success Club.